Monday, June 03, 2013

Probably The Worst Pep Talk

The amount of people that sit around and wish: wish for things to be different, whish for something to happen, wish for a change. It’s shit to come to terms with, and it’s not necessarily what you want to hear, but wishing gets you nowhere. In the harsh reality, just wanting something to happen won’t make it so. Trust me, I’ve tried – I’ve wished on stars, birthday candles, when the clock strikes 11:11, even on the eyelash that fell on the back of my hand. Nothing. It’s crappy when you have to grow up and realise that the fairy-tales that you’ve grown up with are never going to happen out of thin air. Bit of news for you, you have to work for what you want in life.
                A lot of people talk to me about their problems - People going through anxiety and depression mainly. I gladly listen and will help where I can, but the amount of frustration I feel from some people is ridiculous. I don’t  want to undermine anyone here, but complaining to me all day, every day, is not going to make you better. Yes, I’m here to help, but I can’t help you if you don’t want to help yourself.  I appreciate how hard it is to feel the way you do and it takes a pretty strong person to break the ‘habit’ of feeling that way. You can do it, but you have to make actions, not words. It’s something to say you want to feel better and that you’re going to start trying. But what is all that going to do if you’re doing jack all about it? Remember, mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is.
                A lot of people hold back on their dreams, their ambitions. They want to be at the top, but don’t work to get there.  If you want to be the biggest rock god out there, go ahead…do it! You want to create your own business…go ahead, create a proposal. The biggest thing here is to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You’ll never get anywhere if you sit around and wait for the opportunities to come to you. Get off your backside and chase them, hunt them down. Then don’t take no for an answer and do what you have to do to get where you want to be. The manager of the business you work for didn’t get there by sitting on his arse waiting. Your head teacher didn’t end up in that role by magic. No matter what your goals are in life, you have work for them.
                The biggest example I can think of right now is playing a musical instrument. I know so many people that say ‘I wish I could play guitar’…or see some brilliant guitarist and say ‘I wish I could play like him’. Please tell me what’s stopping you? I’ll tell you, nothing. But it takes a bit of grafting. I’m not saying that as soon as you pick up a Fender you’ll be playing with the best of them…but at least it’s a start. It won’t be easy and it’ll require a lot of effort, but if you stick at it…you’ll see results. Then you won’t be wishing any more. Soppy as heck, I know…but it’s the most practical and relatable example I could think of.
                This is probably the worst pep talk you’ve ever come across. And it’s most likely badly written and makes you feel shit – not the aim had in mind, I must say. But I’m getting tired of the amount of people who are complaining to me, wishing their life was different but doing nothing. Saying you want something is easy enough to do, I know. But acting on those words is the hard part – but the most rewarding. I’ve pushed through a lot of the things people talk to me about and I can openly say from experience – it’s the hardest f-ing thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve put the effort in and I’m almost out to the other side where I’m feeling okay. It’s possible. Work hard, see the results you want,  you’ll thank yourself for it.

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