Friday, May 03, 2013

21st Century Problems

So recently my phone’s broke. It wasn’t a surprise, it was only a matter of time until it just gave up on me. It’s been dropped and smashed against things so many times that I’ve lost count. And it’s just never been the same after the day I dropped it under a taxi – god bless my phone!

             She (my phone) was holding out well and working to the best of her capability until one day she just wouldn’t respond to touch. Nothing you did would make her select an app. OH THE HORROR OF THE 21st CENTUARY! Long story short, she’s in for repair and as a courtesy was given this brick of a thing.

             it wasn’t until it took me over ten minutes to figure out how to get the damn thing to stop making a bleeping noise every time I pressed a button, then I realised...gosh, what has the 21st century done to me – to us! Give me a smart phone, ask me to recalibrate it, turn on the settings so it only rings at a certain time, transfer files to another device via wireless – yea, that’s all fine. Give me five year old phone and ask me to turn it on silent – completely different story. That’s crazy! As things have progressed through time we’ve completely forgotten the basics. Like I saw this thing on BBC news online the other day that said that the ipad will cause cursive handwriting to die out completely in the next five years as kids are given more electronic devises in the classroom. It’s so weird on how generations change so much, I remember cursive handwriting being the biggest deal when I was in primary school – and to receive your first handwriting pen was the highlight of your school life, not an iPad.

           Is it only me that finds it scary that the older we are, the more inferior we become to the people younger than us? That’s how I think of it anyway. For example, my mother can only just use a computer to type out a message at 40-odd years of age, I have become able to touch type and use a computer on a day to day basis from the age of 13-17, my 7 year old little sister can pretty much use a computer at the same ability I can. What?! So at the age of 17, I’m only just becoming tech savvy (and getting frustrated on how to use new technology I may add), yet my younger sister can already use a laptop, and my even younger cousin (age 3-4) can use a smart phone. Jesus give me strength, I was playing with a doll and a cup of water at the age of 4!  

           And on that note, I bid you farewell as this was written at 1AM and is beginning to look very blurry and make very little sense. Make of my ramblings what you will my darlings.

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